
PREFIX: '&8[&eᴇxᴛʀᴀ&bsᴛᴏʀᴀɢᴇ&8] &8→ &r'

  enabled: '&aᴇɴᴀʙʟᴇ'
  disabled: '&cᴅɪsᴀʙʟᴇ'
  unknown: '&4ᴜɴᴋɴᴏᴡɴ'
  filtered: '&aꜰɪʟᴛᴇʀᴇᴅ'
  unfiltered: '&cᴜɴꜰɪʟᴛᴇʀᴇᴅ'

  header: '&8&l------=====[ &8[&eᴇxᴛʀᴀ&bsᴛᴏʀᴀɢᴇ&8] v{version} &8&l]=====------'
  footer: '&8&l------------------------------------------'
    help: '&8 > &c/{label} <help|?> &f: &7Show this help page.'
    open: '&8 > &c/{label} [partner] &f: &7Open your/partner''s storage.'
    toggle: '&8 > &c/{label} toggle &f: &7Change the storage usage status.'
    filter: '&8 > &c/{label} filter &f: &7Open your filter.'
    partner: '&8 > &c/{label} partner [add|remove|clear] [player] &f: &7Manage your partners.'
    sell: '&8 > &c/{label} sell [<material-key> [amount]] &f: &7Sell your items.'
    withdraw: '&8 > &c/{label} withdraw <material-key> [amount] &f: &7Withdraw your items.'
    help: '&8 > &c/{label} [help|?] &f: &7Show this help page.'
    open: '&8 > &c/{label} open <player> &f: &7Open another player''s storage.'
    space: '&8 > &c/{label} space <amount> [player|*] &f: &7Change the storage space.'
    addspace: '&8 > &c/{label} addspace <amount> [player|*] &f: &7Increase the storage space.'
    add: '&8 > &c/{label} add <material-key> <amount> [player] &f: &7Add item quantity.'
    subtract: '&8 > &c/{label} subtract <material-key> <amount> [player] &f: &7Subtract item quantity.'
    set: '&8 > &c/{label} set <material-key> <amount> [player] &f: &7Set item quantity.'
    reset: '&8 > &c/{label} reset <material-key|*> [player] &f: &7Reset item quantity.'
    whitelist: '&8 > &c/{label} whitelist &f: &7Edit the Whitelist option.'
    reload: '&8 > &c/{label} reload &f: &7Reload the configuration.'

  config-reload: '{prefix}&aSuccessfully reloaded configs!'
  space-changed: '{prefix}&7The storage space has been changed to &e{space}&7.'
  space-increased: '{prefix}&7The storage space has been increased by &e{space}&7.'
  storage-usage-toggled: '{prefix}&7You just changed the storage usage status to &r{status}&7.'
  filter-cleaned-up: '{prefix}&7You just cleaned up your filter.'
  withdrew-item: '{prefix}&aYou have withdrawn &ex{quantity} {item} &afrom the storage.'
  moved-items-to-storage: '{prefix}&aYou moved &ex{quantity} {item} &ato the storage.'

  made-partner: '{prefix}&6You have just made &b{player} &6as your partner.'
  being-partner: '{prefix}&2You are now a partner of &b{player}&2. Using the command &e/{label} {player} &2to open their storage.'
  removed-partner: '{prefix}&7You have just removed &b{player} &7from your partner list.'
  no-longer-partner: '{prefix}&7You are no longer a partner of &b{player}&7.'
  cleanup-partners-list: '{prefix}&7You have just cleaned up your partners list.'

  item-sold: '{prefix}&aYou sold &ex{amount} &r{item} &afor &2${price}&a.'
  item-added-to-whitelist: '{prefix}&7You added &r{item} &7to whitelist.'
  item-removed-from-whitelist: '{prefix}&7You removed &r{item} &7from whitelist.'

    self: '{prefix}&7You added &ex{quantity} {item} &7to your storage.'
    sender: '{prefix}&7You added &ex{quantity} {item} &7to &b{player}''s &7storage.'
    target: '{prefix}&7You have been added &ex{quantity} {item} &7to your storage by &b{player}&7.'
    self: '{prefix}&7You subtracted &ex{quantity} {item} &7from your storage.'
    sender: '{prefix}&7You subtracted &ex{quantity} {item} &7from &b{player}''s &7storage.'
    target: '{prefix}&7You have been subtracted &ex{quantity} {item} &7from your storage by &b{player}&7.'
    self: '{prefix}&7You set &r{item} &7to &ex{quantity} &7in your storage.'
    sender: '{prefix}&7You set &r{item} &7to &ex{quantity} &7in &b{player}''s &7storage.'
    target: '{prefix}&7You have been set &r{item} &7to &ex{quantity} &7in your storage by &b{player}&7.'
    self: '{prefix}&7You reset &r{item} &7in your storage.'
    all: '{prefix}&7Reset quantity of all items in your storage.'
    all-sender: '{prefix}&7You reset quantity of all items in &b{player}''s &7storage.'
    sender: '{prefix}&7You reset &r{item} &7in &b{player}''s &7storage.'
    target: '{prefix}&7You have been reset &r{item} &7in your storage by &b{player}&7.'

  confirm-cleanup: '{prefix}&6Click again to confirm your cleanup!'

  #This message will be sent to the player when they mined a block.
    #Using ActionBar to send:
    # * Leave it blank to disable this feature.
    ActionBar: '&f+{amount} &r{item} &7| &e/storage &ato open storage.'

  #This message will be sent when the player's storage is full:
  # * Sent using ActionBar, not using Title.
  # * Leave it blank to disable this feature.
  StorageIsFull: '&cYour storage is full!'

  no-permission: '{prefix}&cYou don''t have permission to do that!'
  missing-args: '{prefix}&cMissing arguments! Usage: &e{usage}&c.'
  only-players: '{prefix}&cOnly players can use this command!'
  only-console: '{prefix}&cThis command can only be run by console!'
  not-number: '{prefix}&cThe value &e{value} &cis not a valid number!'
  must-enter-player: '{prefix}&cPlease enter the player''s name you would like to do this!'
  player-not-found: '{prefix}&cCould not find the player you have entered!'
  not-yourself: '{prefix}&cYou cannot do that yourself!'

  max-space-not-used: '{prefix}&cYou cannot do this because the storage space is not used.'
  space-exceeded: '{prefix}&cCould not increase the storage space because the limit will be exceeded!'
  item-blacklisted: '{prefix}&cThe blacklisted item cannot be added to the filter!'
  player-not-partner: '{prefix}&cYou are not the partner of &e{player}&c!'
  inventory-is-full: '{prefix}&cYour inventory is full!'
  storage-is-full: '{prefix}&cCould not add items to storage because it is full!'
  not-enough-item: '{prefix}&cYou (or your partner) don''t have enough &r{item} &cto do that!'
  not-enough-item-in-inventory: '{prefix}&cYou don''t have enough &r{item} &cin your inventory!'
  item-not-filtered: '{prefix}&cYou cannot transfer items that are not in the filter to the storage!'
  already-partner: '{prefix}&cThat player is already your partner!'
  not-partner: '{prefix}&cThat player is not your partner!'
  partners-list-empty: '{prefix}&cYour partners list is empty!'
  item-not-in-storage: '{prefix}&cThat item cannot be found in &e{player}''s &cstorage!'
  cannot-be-sold: '{prefix}&cYou cannot sell this item!'
  invalid-item: '{prefix}&cThis item is invalid!'
  item-already-whitelisted: '{prefix}&cThat item is already in the whitelist!'

Last updated